SK On Brand Film
글로벌 전기차 배터리 전문 기업 SK On의 브랜드 영상은 Z-folding, High-Nickel 기술력이 응축된 NCM9 배터리, 그리고 최고의 안정성을 추구하는 S-PACK 기술을 기반으로 글로벌 자동차 브랜드들과 공급 계약을 체결하고 전기차 배터리 사업을 확장해 나아가는 SK On을 상징화하여 On의 플랫폼 안에서 세계로뻗어나가는 이미지로 표현하였습니다. 또한, 영상 내 SK On을 상징하는 이스터에그들을 숨겨두어 관객들이 이를 찾아보는 재미있는 브랜드 경험을 제공하였습니다.
The brand video of SK On, a global electric vehicle battery specialist company, represents SK On as a symbol of expanding its electric vehicle battery business and securing supply contracts with global automotive brands based on Z-folding and High-Nickel technologies, as well as S-PACK technology that pursues the highest stability. It portrays SK On as a company branching out to the world within the On platform. Additionally, hidden Easter eggs representing SK On were included in the video to provide an enjoyable brand experience for viewers to discover.
The brand video of SK On, a global electric vehicle battery specialist company, represents SK On as a symbol of expanding its electric vehicle battery business and securing supply contracts with global automotive brands based on Z-folding and High-Nickel technologies, as well as S-PACK technology that pursues the highest stability. It portrays SK On as a company branching out to the world within the On platform. Additionally, hidden Easter eggs representing SK On were included in the video to provide an enjoyable brand experience for viewers to discover.
Client - SK On
Production - Pantera Pictures
Year Produced - 2022
Production - Pantera Pictures
Year Produced - 2022